Blood Lab Test Instructions: 

  1. Bring the blood test requisition form to the local Quest lab, it will say on your requisition form what lab it is for. The lab requisition form should have been emailed to you already, it is typically attached to the bottom of your invoice that is emailed to you after your consult. 
  2. Ulta Labs=Quest Lab
  3. If your blood test is assessing thyroid hormone levels while on supplemental thyroid hormone please take 30 min before eating. Thyroid test can be completed 2-3 hours after taking your Thyro Balance or thyroid hormone support in the AM. 
  4. So for example; if you woke and took your Thyro Balance or thyroid hormone at 7:00 AM, your blood draw would be between 9-10:00 AM.  The goal is to see where your maximal thyroid hormone levels are. 
  5. All other lab tests outside of thyroid blood work (with thyroid support or hormone) must be done fasting unless otherwise instructed or noted on the protocol sheet. No supplements or hormones are to be taken until after the blood draw unless otherwise instructed. First thing in the morning is best time to complete the blood test especially if you have blood sugar issues. 
  6. No food past 8 pm the day before the lab test. It is best to get your blood draw schedule first thing the next morning. Leaving at least 8-12 hours without food. If you are getting your thyroid tested only, feel free and eat first thing in the AM. If on the thyroid hormone support, take this, wait 30 min, then eat.  
  7. Make sure you drink enough water so you don’t get dehydrated.
  8. It is better to schedule your lab appointment ahead of time to avoid a long wait. When you go online to find a lab make sure that lab does "Health & Wellness Screen", it should be very clear when you are scheduling. You can schedule your blood draw online  for Ulta labs at 
  9. Please bring your lab test requisition form to the lab the day of the draw. This form should have been emailed to you already, it is typically attached at the bottom of your invoice that is sent right after your consult. 
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